The Territory

An unexpected corner of Switzerland rich in treasures waiting to be revealed
In just a few kilometres, you can pass from Monte Generoso’s snowy peaks, rife with chamois, to the mild climate of Lake Lugano, with its gentle shores perfect for a calming swim in the sunshine, from trekking trails to mountain-bike ascents. The Mendrisiotto, a region in southern Switzerland just next to the Italian border, is a little paradise full of sunshine for the majority of the year, aptly referred to by the Swiss as ‘Sonner Stube’.
Under the mountains, the gentle hills covered in vineyards, little stone hamlets, great natural parks, and impressive gorges carved out by flowing streams, the lake or many rivers to swim and enjoy the sunlight. An untouched environment that invites you to lose yourself in woodlands and fields, in absolute peace. A region suited especially to finding your feet, becoming in touch with yourself by making the most of your natural surroundings and taking long excursion by bike or on foot.